Online world for you



Do you go for the first time on a date online dating site? Here's a few tips on what to do to get it done well or to keep you out of hand.


1. Do not lie

You must have done it. According to the photo, you expected the bow to be a normal boy, but in fact the opposite was true. It's awesome, but the stuff of folks lying about the basics: about how much it measures or weighs, about age ... Photo of the ancestors can take everything and with the help of the right angle it is possible even from the ugly duckling to conjure a sexy model or Prince Krasoň. Avoid lying, increase chances of success. And do not waste time on unnecessary dates, from which nothing is going to happen.


2. Apparel

Of course, you want to take the other side, so choose the outfit you will be interested in. But be careful, you do not want to get the impression you came to casting into an adult movie. Avoid deep necklines, short skirts, and the like. And you never know who's going to date the bow, it could be some kind of trap, and you'd only provoke it with an outfit. Besides, guys do not even like it if the girl looks too cheap. You better choose what you feel best, except for tracksuits. You will be so relaxed and you can concentrate on other, more important things.


3. Chit chat

It is best to read your current news. At least he will not speak. People like to talk about what's happening right now. But good topics are yours / his / her hobby and former partners. It is good to point out in advance what you have been worried about ex and what to look for in the future. But if it happens to happen again, rather than talk about the former, just talk once.


4. Look forward

Decide before the meeting, try to find out about the other side as much as possible. Google knows a lot. If you have at least one of your acquaintances, ask him or her. First of all, for women, it's pretty risky to go for a date and nothing to know about it. What if he's a psychopath or a murderer? Try to find as much information as possible. If the person is not to be searched at all, there is something suspicious. But even if I cross the line, you will agree on a date in a quartet. Let your boyfriend and boyfriend go with you.


5. Place

This is closely related to point 4. It is a good idea to go to public place on the first date. The best one where there are a lot of people and there is no danger that someone will bind you and kidnap you. Choose a square and walk around the city, instead of walking around the woods on the outskirts of the city. If this man suggests you, he stays at home.


6. Length

It is really uncomfortable to be with someone who did not sit for more than two hours. It is the ideal length of the first date. If the person did not meet you, apologize and go home after two hours. But if you sit down and feel good, sneak up the rules and stay together for as long as you like. Of course, but sex on the first date is out of the question. It's a clear sign for a woman that you only have one. Well, a man will never refuse, but he will keep a distance because nobody wants a woman who gets angry.


7. Phone

Do not pull out your cellphone if it is not necessary. Even you would not be thrilled if the other side does not care about you and still looks at your cell phone. And it may still look like you're still looking at the clock and you can not wait for it to end. If this is the case, you'd better justify and drive. Looking at the cell phone is rude.


8. On time

Of course, it can happen. You can stay in constipation, or you can stay away from home. If you are a person who is chronically still lazy, let your friends rather. Even if this is not the best solution. Accuracy is the foremost privilege of kings, and it means your responsibility and ability to organize your time. You better go out of the house earlier. To miss a date with someone you do not know, it may look like you will not come at all and a man or woman simply leaves and will not wait for you, just like your friends. Take the time of other people.


9. Plan

It's been a long time ago that a man has to invent a program automatically. But whether you are a woman or a man, keep in mind some ideas for nice places or interesting activities you can do. There is nothing worse than getting bored on a date with someone you do not know. Besides, for men this may be an extra point when you show a woman that you know how to think of a super program.


10. Receipt

Women realize that we do not live in the 19th century. Show that you are normal, and be sure to think that you will pay for the whole account, or at least divide it into the field. There's nothing worse, like letting you pay for it and not blinking with it.